Rabu, 19 September 2012


Information Technology is a technology used for processing data, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in different ways to produce quality information, ie information that is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, educational, business , and government and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a computer to process the data, the network system to connect one computer to another computer as needed, and telecommunications technology is used so that data can be distributed and accessed globally. Roles can be given by the application of information technology and communication technology is to get information for personal life such as information about health, hobbies, recreation, and spiritual. Then for professions such as science, technology, trade, business news, and professional associations. Means of cooperation between the individual or group with one other person or group without limits of distance and time, country, race, economic class, ideology or other factors that may hinder the exchange of thoughts. Developments in information technology and communication technology spur a new way of life, from beginning to end of life, life is known as e-life, meaning life is influenced by a variety of electronic needs. And now it was vibrant with the letters that start with the prefix e-such as e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journal, e-medicine, e-laboratory, e-biodiversitiy, and others again based electronics. EVOLUTION GLOBAL ECONOMY 1. Economy Agriculture, until two hundred years ago the world economy is agrarian in which one is the main characteristic of the soil is the most dominant factor. 2. Industrial Economics, after the industrial revolution, the invention of the steam engine, the global economy has evolved toward an industrial economy with its main characteristic is the capital as the most important factor of production. 3. Economic Information, currently, men tend to occupy a central place in the production process, because the stage we are entering the economy is based on knowledge (knowledge based) and focuses on the information (information focused). In this case the role of telecommunications and informatics as a key technology (technology enabler). Advances in information technology and telecommunications so rapidly, allowing the implementation of new ways for more efficient production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. It is this process that brings people into the Society or Information Economy. This new society is also often referred to as post-industrial society. Whatever you call it, in the information age, physical distance or geographical distance is no longer a factor in human relations or inter-agency effort, so that the universe becomes a hamlet universe or "Global village". So often we hear the term "distance is dead" or "distance is dead", which more and more fulfilled. In our lives in the future, information technology and telecommunications sector is the dominant sector. Anyone who mastered this technology, it will become a leader in the world.
Perkembangan Tekhnologi

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