Rabu, 19 September 2012

Benefits Of Carrot

Carrots contain a very complete nutrition to meet the needs of the body of the enzymes, vitamins and minerals. In every 100 grams of carrots contained 7.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.62 grams of beta-carotene, 0.6 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 30 milligrams of calcium and 0.6 milligrams of iron. Other content of carrots is fiber, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, biotin, potassium and thiamine.
Many studies have shown, carrots greatly berkasiat to address a variety of health complaints. Some of the benefits of carrots are:
Smooths face
1-2 large sized carrots + 2 tablespoons honey, how: carrots cooked until soft and then crushed, mixed with honey. Apply on the skin, leave on for 10 minutes, rinse with water.
Overcoming Painful Menstruation
250 grams of carrots washed, cut into pieces, add a little water and blend. Drink 2 times a day.
Overcoming Hypertension
500 grams of carrots washed, shredded cooked add a little water and then filtered.
Drink 1 a day until blood pressure returns to normal.
Maintenance Eyes
7 carrots washed, shredded, add a little water and then squeezed and then filtered.
Drink 1 a day and repeated 2 times a week.
Kidney Stones
7 carrots washed and shredded, add 100ml water boil for 15 minutes and then filtered.
Drink 1 a day for about 1-2 weeks.
5 carrots washed and grated, add coconut milk and a little salt, squeeze and strain. Taken at bedtime.
1 stick carrot wash and then grated, mixed with 1 teaspoon of whiting. Stick it on the affected body part eczema, and bandages.
1 stick carrot wash and then grate, add 2 tablespoons of hot water, if necessary, add a little brown sugar, stirring until evenly distributed.
Drink 2 times a day.
Angina pectoris
3 stalks wash and then grate carrots, add 2 cups of boiled water and then squeezed.
Add 2 tablespoons of honey and a piece of sugar, stirring until evenly distributed.
Taken once a day.
Lower Blood Sugar (Diabetes)
Ingredients: 300 grams of carrots, 1 handful of celery, 2 cloves garlic and salt to taste.
Method: All the ingredients blended juice alone taken (filtered) without fiber.
Drink 1 a day until normal sugar levels.
Adding Vitality Men
Ingredients: 4-5 carrots, carrot leaves, olive oil and honey.
The trick: do not peel the skin of carrots, a few leaves of carrots, wash and then a blender, add 2 teaspoons of olive oil, then blend again to mix evenly. Squeeze and strain then add a little honey.
Drink 2 days, day or night before or after a meal.
Fertility married couple.
Can be used to increase fertility in women and men improve sperm quality.
Ingredients: 1 apple, 300 grams of carrots and 500 grams of bean sprouts.
How: all the ingredients blended juice, this herb for 2 people (husband and wife)
taken regularly every morning and evening for 1 week.
Manfaat Buah Wortel

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